
A Python Engine for Text Resolution And Related Coding Hierarchy part 2. This is the documentation for PETRARCH2, though PETRARCH is used throughtout this documentation as interchangeable with PETRARCH2. The difference between the programs lies in the coding engine rather than the API; more details can be seen in the Comparison.

One of my students put it this way: “Francesco Petrarch was Kayne West. He jumps up on stage, says ‘Yo, welcome to the Renaissance, bitches!’ And then drops the mike.” – Dorsey Armstrong Great Minds of the Medieval World (Great Courses Series), lecture 20

PETRARCH is a natural language processing tool for machine-coding events data. It is designed to process fully-parsed news summaries in Penn Treebank format, from which ‘whom-did-what-to-whom’ relations are extracted.

PETRARCH is the next-generation successor to the TABARI event-data coding software. A description of the differences between TABARI and PETRARCH-generation software is available here.

This software is MIT Licensed (MIT) Copyright 2014 Open Event Data Alliance

Events Data

Over the last few decades, computational and social scientists have refined a process of systematically coding events from news summaries and event descriptions referred to as “event data.” This process consists of two component parts:

  1. First, is the collection of raw unstructured text including information about relevant events. For this step we have developed a web scraper that automatically pulls news stories form a white list of RSS feeds. Scraped stories are then stored in a MongoDB instance for easy future retrieval.
  2. Second in this process is the extraction of structured data from scraped unstructured texts using an event data coding system. In earlier work this was done using the TABARI system, but in this system has PETRARCH which works with fully-parsed inputs in the Penn TreeBank format, which we generate using the Stanford CoreNLP parser.

The output of this process, event observations identified and extracted in a ‘who-did-what-to-whom’ format, is what we refer to as event data. At this most fundamental event event data consists of three component parts, {SOURCE_ACTOR, ACTION_TYPE, TARGET_ACTOR} as well as general attributes {DATE_TIME, LOCATION}:

Sample Raw Event Data Output:

| Date     | Source | CAMEO Code | Target | Cameo Event |
| 19980312 | ISRMIL | 190        | PALINS | (Use conventional military face) |

For more information on event data as well as event data related research see:


If you do decide you want to work with Petrarch as a standalone program, it is possible to install:

  1. Run pip install git+

Some users may experience issues with this install command. Using

pip install git+ --ignore-installed

may work instead.

This will install the program with a command-line hook. You can now run the program using:


You can get more information using:

petrarch2 -h


See the README about this.


Currently, you can run PETRARCH using the following command if installed:

petrarch2 batch [-i <INPUT FILE> ] [-o [<OUTPUT FILE>]

If not installed:

python batch -i <INPUT FILE> -o <OUTPUT FILE>

You can see a sample of the input/output by running (assuming you’re in the PETRARCH2 directory):

petrarch2 batch -i ./petrarch2/data/text/GigaWord.sample.PETR.xml -o test.txt

This will return a file named evts.test.txt.

There’s also the option to specify a configuration file using the -c <CONFIG FILE> flag, but the program will default to using PETR_config.ini.

When you run the program, a PETRARCH.log file will be opened in the current working directory. This file will contain general information, e.g., which files are being opened, and error messages.

Logged Warnings

As of September 2014, we are regularly running PETRARCH on hundreds of thousands of sentences from a diverse set of sources and it is not crashing. If you encounter a situation where it is crashing, please let us know, ideally with a copy of the parsed input text that caused the error.

Unexpected conditions where the program encountered a potentially fatal error are recorded in the log file with the word WARNING. These should be rare: in a couple of recent tests we coded 60,000 AFP sentences from the Gigaword corpus and found four such errors; in another test we coded about 360,000 records from BBC sources and had 43 errors. In short, these should be really, really rare and if you are getting them more frequently there is presumably some quirk in your processing pipeline or source texts that is giving you significantly different parsed input than we were working with.

The one common error – not included in those counts – is the Dateline pattern, which is a particular pattern in the parse tree that occurs when the parsed material starts with a dateline such as “Beirut:’’ or “Beijing (Xinhua News Agency):” rather than the actual start of the sentence. We probably aren’t catching all dateline errors with this pattern but it gets a lot of them, and if you are seeing frequent occurrences of this warning you need to modify your pre-filters to remove the datelines.

The remaining errors are due to very odd sentence constructions which either have confused CoreNLP so that the phrase structure is incorrect, or otherwise were not anticipated it the PETRARCH processing. Some of this can be fixed if brought to our attention, but some of it is on the side of CoreNLP, which we aren’t even going to attempt to touch.

Indices and tables